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A Level物理:AS阶段25个实验,考试大纲复习必备!

来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2019-01-04 13:21


A Level课程学习分为很多科目,中国学生一般偏向于选择理科类科目,其中,A Level物理是常见选择科目之一,接下来,锦秋小编将为大家带来的是AS阶段,A Level物理的25个实验,这也是物理大纲要求掌握的内容,所以,大家要认真阅读,记录下来哦!

Unit 1


1.Determine speed and acceleration, forexample use light gates

Demonstrate anunderstanding of how ICT can be used to collect data for, and display,displacement/time and velocity/time graphs for uniformly accelerated motion andcompare this with traditional methods in terms of reliability and validity ofdata.

2.Strobe photography or video camera toanalyses motion.

Investigate, usingprimary data, recognize and make use of the independence of vertical andhorizontal motion of a projectile moving freely under gravity.

3. Find the centre of gravity of an irregularrod

Draw and interpretfree-body force diagrams to represent forces on a particle or on an extendedbut rigid body, using the concept of centre of gravity of an extended body

4. Use an air track to investigate factorsaffecting acceleration

Investigate, by collectingprimary data, and use ΣF = ma in situations where m is constant (Newton’s firstlaw of motion (a = 0) and second law of motion)

5.Measure g using, for example, light gates.

Estimate, and thenmeasure, the weight of familiar objects

Use the expressionsfor gravitational field strength g = F/m and weight W = mg

6. Use, for example, light gates to investigatethe speed of a falling object

Investigate andapply the principle of conservation of energy including use of work done,gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy


7. Obtain force-extension graphs for, example,copper wire, nylon and rubber

Obtain and drawforce–extension, force– compression, and tensile/compressive stress-straingraphs. Identify the limit of proportionality, elastic limit and yield point

8. Investigations could include, for example,copper and rubber

Explain the meaningand use of, and calculate tensile/compressive stress, tensile/compressivestrain, strength, breaking stress, stiffness and Young Modulus. Obtain theYoung modulus for a material

Unit 2


9.    Wave machine or computer simulation of waveproperties

Understand and usethe terms amplitude, frequency, period, speed and wavelength

10. Demonstration using a loudspeaker

Demonstration usingwaves on a long spring

A sound wave is alongitudinal wave which can be described in terms of the displacement ofmolecules

11. Demonstration with ripple tank

Explain and use theconcepts of wavefront, coherence, path difference, superposition and phase.

Investigate andrecall that waves can be diffracted and that substantial diffraction occurswhen the size of the gap or obstacle is similar to the wavelength of the wave.

Explain qualitatively how the movement of a source of sound or light relative to an observer/detectorgives rise to a shift in frequency (Doppler effect) and explore applicationsthat use this effect

12. Melde’s experiment, sonometer

Explain what ismeant by a standing (stationary) wave, investigate how such a wave is formed,and identify nodes and antinodes

13. Measure the refractive index of solids andliquids

Investigate andexplain how to measure refractive index

14. Demonstration using a laser

Recall that, ingeneral, waves are transmitted and reflected at an interface between media

15. Models of structures to investigate stressconcentrations

Investigate andexplain what is meant by plane polarised light

DC Electricity

16. Measure current and voltage in series andparallel circuits

Use ohmmeter tomeasure total resistance of series/parallel circuits

Recognise,investigate and use the relationships between current, voltage and resistance,for series and parallel circuits, and know that these relationships are aconsequence of the conservation of charge and energy.

17. Measure the efficiency of an electric motor

Investigate and usethe expressions P = VI, W = VIt. Recognise and use related expressions eg P =I2R and P = V2/R

18. Investigate I-V graphs for filament lamp, diodeand thermistor

Interpretcurrent-potential difference graphs, including non-ohmic materials

19. Measure resisitivity of a metal and polythene

Investigate and usethe relationship R = ρl/A

20. Use a digital voltmeter to investigate ‘output’of a potential divider

Investigate andexplain how the potential along a uniform current-carrying wire varies with thedistance along it and how this variation can be made use of in a potentialdivider

21. Measure the emf and internal resistance of acell eg a solar cell

Define and use theconcepts of emf and internal resistance and distinguish between emf andterminal potential difference

22. Use of ohmmeter and temperature sensor

Investigate andrecall that the resistance of metallic conductors increases with increasingtemperature and that the resistance of negative temperature coefficientthermistors decreases with increasing temperature

23. Demonstration of slow speed of ion movementduring current flow

Use I = nqvA toexplain the large range of resistivities of different materials

Nature of light

24. Demonstration of discharge of a zinc plate byultra violet light

Recall that theabsorption of a photon can result in the emission of a photoelectron

25. Demonstration using gas-filled tubes

Explain atomic linespectra in terms of transitions between discrete energy levels


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